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PORNSTAR ● Cooper Adams

RELEASE DATE ● July 27, 2016

"Cooper Adams: The New Next Door Male"

 He’s a hard-working guy who knows exactly how to unwind. When he gets home from the office, after a long day of meetings, conference calls, and high-pressure deals, Cooper Adams (formerly Sloan at ChaosMen) like to relax and enjoy the solitude of his luxurious beachfront home. He cracks open a beer, loosens his collar, and walks next to the tall windows that allow him to look out over the ocean.

The sun is just setting and Cooper watches as it disappears beneath the horizon. He sets the beer down and decides to play with his hardening cock. At the end of each day, Cooper knows he must jerk his hungry dick to recuperate and prepare himself for bed. He pulls out his swollen meat and squeezes it firmly. It feels so good to have this pleasure after working so hard and for so long. Cooper retreats to a couch nearby where he loses himself in the ecstatic sensation, becoming fervent in his stroking. He lets his free hand touch his body all over, even tweaking his erect nipples a bit.

Join him as he unwinds and unloads, all in the comfort of his peaceful abode, away from the hustle and bustle of the confusing world to which he knows he must eventually return.

RATING ● ★★★☆☆

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Ven 29 jui 2016 Aucun commentaire

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