

PORNSTARS ● Elliott Blue, Liam Cyber

RELEASE DATE ● August 3, 2016

"Jumping Off a Cliff, Diving in a Hole"

Adrenaline and orgasms– two of the greatest rushes we can have. If you’ve never jumped off a 50ft cliff with a friend, do it– it’s fucking exhilarating. If you’ve never jumped off a 50ft cliff with a friend, then went home and fucked, do it– it’s fucking exhilarating. The chemistry between Liam Cyber and Elliott Blue was amazing, and it shows as they ripped each other’s clothes off and fucked each other silly. Liam loves to just fuck, so he was penetrating Elliott within minutes of getting naked. He even came in him within a few minutes… but kept fucking until he pulled out and blew another load all over Elliott’s hole. Any top would be privileged to fuck Elliott since he’s an insatiable bottom who loves it any way and as hard as you want. Enjoy ;)

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Ven 5 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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