

PORNSTARS ● Jack (SC), Manny (SC)

RELEASE DATE ● Aug. 13, 2016

"Jack Fucks Manny"

Since Manny and Jack haven’t met before, Jack decided to introduce himself in a less conventional way…with a splash! What better way to meet somebody for the first time than being half naked together in a pool?

These two hotties really hit off, and the attraction was instant.

“The chemistry is steaming right now.” Jack was clearly excited.

“For sure! I’m ready for this.” Manny was prepared to take whatever was coming to him.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on you…” Jack sized Manny up.

He couldn’t wait to breed and seed him, and Manny couldn’t wait to be man-handled by the friendly, but rough muscle giant.

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Dim 14 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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