

PORNSTARS ● Rocky (CF), Tiffany (CF)

RELEASE DATE ● Aug. 17, 2016

"Rocky Pounds Tiffany"

Since Rocky’s solo debut, the requests to see more of him in action have been rolling in! After all, he’s got himself the kind of big dick we just need to see in action as much as possible! Thankfully, that’s precisely what Rocky had in mind as well. We pair him up with Tiffany, who we already know can take a good fucking, to see if he can put that cock to use and fuck like a champ!

It’s pretty hot to see how big Rocky’s dick really is when pressed up against Tiffany’s tongue. His oral skills are definitely doing the job for Tiffany as he eats her out well and gets her ready and wanting his long meat rod. She cries out with each deep thrust and runs her hand down his washboard abs. She’s clearly having the time of her life – and he’s like a kid in a candy store, fucking her in almost every position possible! He blows his load all over her and she licks it up as he slides his cock insider her again!

The verdict is out. When it comes to fucking – Rocky is a rockstar!

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Mer 17 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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