

PORNSTARS ● Bogdan Gromov, Damien Crosse

RELEASE DATE ● August 19, 2016

"Damien Crosse Barebacks Bogdan Gromov's Ass On The Beach"

The Lucas Men are enjoying a day at the beach while Damien Crosse watches them from afar. Damien is known for his sexual appetite, and he can’t help the erection he gets while lounging on the sand observing all of the fresh meat at play.

Bogdan Gromov is the guy he’s got his eye on, so he fakes a coughing and choking fit to get the attention of the bodyguard. It works, and Bogdan uses his hard, uncut cock to open up Damien’s windpipe. Bogdan may be in a position of authority with his job — saving lives isn’t easy — but when he’s with a man he gives full service to his top.

That’s why he submits his ass so easily to Damien Crosse, who gives Bogdan an unforgettable bareback pounding on the beach as the sun goes down.

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Dim 21 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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