

PORNSTARS ● Hunter III (SC), Porter (SC)

RELEASE DATE ● August 25, 2016

"Hunter Fucks Porter"

We decided to bring Hunter and Porter to the nude beach so they could get acquainted with each other.

Porter got pretty horny when Hunter took his sweet time lathering on the sunscreen on his back and butt cheeks.

There was no stopping them once they got back to the house. Hunter couldn’t get enough of Porter’s “sweet hole” as he called it. We found out, to everyone’s amusement that Hunter loves to eat an ass mid-fucking. He loves to stop fucking and give that hole a good licking before carrying on.

Even while they were relaxing in the pool, Hunter kept begging Porter for some good ole “dick sucking and ass fucking”. Porter was more than happy to oblige.

Hunter ate up every last drop of his creampie into Porter’s ass when he was done. The perfect dessert!

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Jeu 25 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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