

PORNSTARS ● Alejandro Castillo, Andrey Vic, Asher Devin, Drae Axtell, Dylan James, Koda Gold, Stas Landon

RELEASE DATE ● August 26, 2016

"Seven-Man Orgy"

Lucas Entertainment’s new exclusive model, Alejandro Castillo, debuts on Lucas Entertainment in two days — and his debut will be with Dylan James, Stas Landon, Andrey Vic, Drae Axtell, Asher Devin, and Koda Gold. Alejandro is a top with a big, fat, uncut, nine-inch cock ready to fuck. Here’s your first chance to see this Latin stud in action. He and Dylan James are the leaders of this fuck-fest — both of them are ravenous for asses and throats to fuck, and they don’t show their bottoms any mercy.

This is a scene sample you’re going to doubly enjoy –

Dylan James, Drae Axtell, and Stas Landon spend some time bonding in the hot tub. They share their sexual stories while soaking in the water, but when it’s time to get out the towels are missing. Koda Gold and Asher Devin were in charge of giving the other guys their towels, but they instead started making out and messing around with one another.

When Dylan and his pals find them they don’t hold back from joining the fun. Asher Devin and Koda Gold quickly turn into two bitch bottoms as Dylan, Drae, and Stas make use of their mouths and butts. They don’t take it easy, either. These tops are alpha males and they’re not shy about showing off their prowess. Later on Alejandro Castillo and Andrey Vic join the fun and continue using Koda and Asher as sex objects.

RATING ● ★★★★

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Ven 26 aoû 2016 Aucun commentaire

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