

PORNSTARS ● Danny Montero, Nathan Hope

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 1, 2016

"Spontaneous Fuck With Muscle Dudes"

Danny Montero, mid-20s, short, dark hair, a sweet face and athletic body, loves having Nathan Hope kneeling right in front of him and devotedly working over his fat, hard cock. The studly lads get into it in the courtyard of a ruined building and treat themselves to a hefty session of sucking and fucking.

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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🆕🗞👊🏼→SPONTANEOUS FUCK WITH MUSCLE DUDES: @dannymonteroxxx @NathanHopeXXX (⏰SEPT①)→ @YoungBastards_X #Gay #KinkyBOYS🔞

— Kinky Boys (@KinkyBoysXXX) 1 septembre 2016
Jeu 1 sep 2016 Aucun commentaire

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