

PORNSTARS ● Roald Ekberg, Ronny Lamarr

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 9, 2016

"Good Times w/ Good Friends"

Our couple today are a nice combination of ginger ad blond. Both regulars here on BelAmi, Ronny Lamarr and Roald Ekberg find themselves in Budapest at the same time and ‘coincidentally’ a lot closer than they first thought.

The sex between these 2 old friends is, I am sure, the result of a lot of experience, as both guys know instinctively what turns the other on. Ronny’s prolonged and devoted teasing of Roald’s asshole before fucking him, and Roald’s responses to every thrust are evidence of this, and the proof of it all is in the orgasm, with Roald exploding all over himself as Ronny continues to fuck him.

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Lun 12 sep 2016 Aucun commentaire

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