

PORNSTARS ● Alejandro Torres, Louis Ricaute

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 8, 2016

"Terrace On Fire"

We know many of our fans have missed our hot Venezuelan mate Louis Ricaute and this week it’s time to have him again with us.

Together with sexy top Alejandro Torres, he is in the terrace, enjoying a sunny hot day in Barcelona. The sun warms their toned eager bodies and soon our two mates get off all their clothes. They know nobody can watch them in that hidden place and in a moment Louis in on his knees to take Alejandro’s big and hard cock deep in mouth. First the topmate returns the favor but right after he focuses on Louis hungry ass, giving him a rimming lesson.

The two guys move inside the house and Alejandro, now horny as fuck, puts Louis doggy style, sticks his pole deep inside his open ass and pounds him with no mercy. After having his ass destroyed Louis deserves a reward and he’ll take a creamy load all over his face and mouth!

RATING ● ★★★★★

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Lun 12 sep 2016 Aucun commentaire

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