

PORNSTARS ● Andrey Vic, Bogdan Gromov

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 23, 2016

"Bogdan Fucked By Andrey"

It starts out as a nature walk between Andrey Vic and Bogdan Gromov. But their forest exploration turns erotic when Bogdan and Andrey come across a creek and decide to misbehave in the great outdoors. Andrey Vic is like Alejandro Castillo in the sense that he’s a power top that can back up his ability fucking bottoms with a big uncut cock. That’s a perfect score for Bogdan, who has the hots for Andrey and enjoys servicing Andrey’s uncut cock with his mouth and ass in the running stream.

RATING ● ★★★★★

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Sam 24 sep 2016 Aucun commentaire

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