

PORNSTARS ● Nixon (SC), Sean (SC)

RELEASE DATE ● Oct. 8, 2016

"Nixon & Sean"

Newbie Nixon just can’t get enough, so he’s back for some more ass!

Sean has a bit of a crush on the muscle stud. He likes everything about him, especially “his core and his arms”, and as they were throwing the football around, Sean just enjoyed the view of the hottie in front of him.

“I wanna throw it to him, but I just wanna see him standing there…”

Sean couldn’t wait to take Nixon on in the bedroom, and begged for more as Nixon gave him exactly that, and then some…ending with a nice facial.

Nixon is definitely a keeper!

RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Sam 8 oct 2016 Aucun commentaire

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