

PORNSTARS ● Hugh (CF), Jon (CF)

REALEASE DATE ● Oct. 13, 2016

"Jon Takes On Hugh" (Bareback)

I have a feeling this is going to be a popular update. Since Jon brought his good looks and raw sexual energy to Corbin Fisher we’ve received countless requests to see more of him with a number of our hot newcomers, one of which being Hugh. Both Hugh and Jon know how to put on a show and truly love the act of fucking. So as soon as the opportunity presented itself, we moved to make that happen. The two do not disappoint! As we see here, the two demonstrate that at this moment, there is absolutely nowhere else they’d rather be.

Jon’s dick is rock hard as he rides Hugh’s big cock. They stare at each other in near disbelief at how good the other feels. Bouncing and grinding on Hugh, Jon challenges him not to blow his load right then and there – and it starts looking like he’ll totally power bottom the cum out of Hugh!

Hugh isn’t going to let him off that easy, he bends Jon over the back of the couch and fucks up into his ass with renewed vigor. Then Hugh gets Jon on the floor so that he can jackhammer down into him. He makes him put his glasses back on so that Jon can get a good view of what’s coming, namely an inundation of jizz shooting straight to his face! Jon’s face is left smothered in both of their cum!

RATING ● ★★★☆☆

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Sam 15 oct 2016 Aucun commentaire

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