

PORNSTARS ● Conan McGuire: Solo Performance

RELEASE DATE ● Oct. 31, 2016

"Conan McGuire: Solo Performance"

This is the newest hunk on the block, Conan McGuire. He’s handsome, very muscular, and equipped with a fat ol’ cock. Conan is well in touch with his sexual nature and knows how to properly indulge his senses.

Join Conan as he fattens up his dick on the couch. He’s adding plenty of oil to that hard meat, enough to really crank that stiff shaft. Then, after some good, deep stroking, Conan is bringing you with him into the shower. This is his favorite place to masturbate. With warm water cascading down his body, Conan lets himself be taken by the ecstasy of the moment. He uses soapy suds while tugging to increase the intensely pleasurable sensations. And finally he lays on a seat in the shower and brings himself to climax, blowing his warm load. This isn’t simply shower tug session…it’s a sensuous ritual.

RATING ● ★★☆☆☆

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Mer 2 nov 2016 Aucun commentaire

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