

PORNSTARS ● Jess (SC), Manny (SC)

RELEASE DATE ● November 26th, 2016

"Jess & Manny: Bareback"

Manny has bottomed for a lot of the hard hitters here at Sean Cody…some veterans, some newbies…but we’ve definitely been saving this one for a while…the cum machine!

Manny has seen a lot of Jess’ films, and jacked off to them, so this was something special for both of them.

With all that dick talk, Manny had to take an up-close and personal look at what he’d be working with…and only then did he realize what he got himself into. Even though he’s seen Jess’ films, nothing could prepare him for the real thing right in front of him!

“Fuck, that’s pretty big!”

Jess added, “It gets harder, and bigger…”

Manny was trying to wrap his mind, and hand, around it, “Yeah? I mean, that’s big enough as it is! You can stop right there.”

He didn’t need any preparation after all…the willing bottom took it like a champ, and added another one under his belt.


RATING ● ★★★★☆

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Sam 26 nov 2016 Aucun commentaire

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