

PORNSTARS ● Brandon III (SC), Titus (SC)

RELEASE DATE ● May 27, 2017

"Brandon Fucks Titus : Bareback"

Titus was really nervous; putting on a huge smile, accompanied by the giggles…but really, he was just very enthused by the fact that Brandon would give him a good pounding.

Brandon blushed bashfully, but when it came right down to it, he really gave it to Titus and inevitably broke him out of his shyness.

RATING ● ★★★☆☆

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Sam 27 mai 2017 Aucun commentaire