

PORNSTARS ● Ethan Chase, William Sawyer

RELEASE DATE ● August 19, 2017

"Breakfast Cub: A XXX Gay Parody"

After a long period when the others haven’t returned, these two mischievous students, Ethan Chase (formerly Ryan Jax) and William Sawyer, decide to hit the showers and study each other’s anatomy while left unattended during detention. All in the name of science.

(NB : Cet article sort avec quelques jours de retard dû aux congès d'été.)

(NB : This article comes out a few days late due to summer holidays.)

the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-1--1-.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-2.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-5--1-.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-6.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-7.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-8.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-9.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-10.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-11.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-13.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-14.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-17.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-19.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-20.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-21.jpg the-breakfast-cub-pt2-DMH-23.jpg

RATING ● ★★★★☆

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎


Lun 21 aoû 2017 Aucun commentaire