

PORNSTARS ● Koldo Goran, Ricky Ibeñez

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 18, 2017

"Koldo Goran Fucks Ricky Ibeñez" (BAREBACK)

Our sexy Exclusive, the Valenciano horse hung Koldo Goran is back at Timtales to break new raw holes. You know, I almost forgot how amazing his cock feels. It’s long, big, thick and curved up the perfect way. And Ricky Ibañez can definitely confirm this. After earning stripes from his double penetration scene, Ricky was more than ready for Koldo’s massive delicious raw cock. Koldo rewarded Ricky by breeding his hole with thick leche.

Enjoy :)

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RATING ● ★★★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Mar 19 sep 2017 Aucun commentaire

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