

PORNSTARS ● Alejandro Torres, Elia Kisley

RELEASE DATE ● Sept. 29, 2017

"Bang-Up Debut : Alejandro Torres & Elia Kisley"

This week we introduce you a sexy newcomer at his absolute debut: Elia Kisley is a young cute mate living in Italy that wants to become the next pornostar and despite his young age he is always craving for hard sessions of sex! He is fully versatile but for his first scene he asked us to have his twinky asshole fucked in the way that every good bottom deserves. So we let Alejandro Torres to do the honors and fuck the young Italian, dominating him with his big juicy cock!

Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Mano_Martine.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-1.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-2.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-3.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-4.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-5.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-6.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-7.jpg Fuckermate_Alejandro_Torres_and_Elia_Kisley_by_Man-copie-8.jpg

RATING ● ★★★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎


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Sam 30 sep 2017 Aucun commentaire

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