

*** Guillaume Wayne ***

Profession : Actor

Age : 28

Birth : April 12, 1989

Height / Weight / Height (Dick) : 5.87 ft / 152 lbs / 8 inch cock

Sexual Orientation : Gay

Social : @guillaumeWxxx (Twitter)



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Freshly voted Best French Actor of the Year 2017, it was this summer in Spain for the shooting of scenes for Fuckermate including one of the actors to watch in 2018 *, Danny Azcona. It was a few days before Halloween that He very kindly agreed to give an interview to "kinkyboys.". 

Guillaume Wayne charms and fascinates by his simplicity while hiding a real inner strength. He tells us all in this long interview made on October 26, 2017.



❏ How was your first scene ?

My very first porn scene was at Crunchboy a long time ago. I was freaked out At the time I was hyper complex because I was really skinny, I was afraid to really look disgusting on the screen. Then I met Jess Royan who is a friend since and I immediately realized that the guy was not there to judge me. He has the gift to put you at ease, this guy is great. We shot on a beach, it went really well.

❏ Did you thought about doing porn or a similar job before you made your first scene ?

I was always attracted to porn but I did not want to apply, I was too scared to be ridiculous or do not care about my physique. I took a lot of time before doing other scenes, it has been several years. Today I'm taking porn for fun really. I like traveling, meeting people, exchanging ...

 ❏ Do you have a method to keep fit. If yes which one ?

In general before a shoot I avoid sex. I say in general haha. If not just a good night's sleep, eat properly and do some sports is enough.

❏ What are the great difficulties when you’re acting ?

During filming I do not really encounter difficulties. I take porn really like a game, you're here to have fun then enjoy and do not take the head. I do not support porn actors who think they are diva. Perhaps the biggest challenge is to bend several hours in a row but when you are lucky enough to have different partners I could have anyone who could bend to order haha. You just have to ignore what's going on around you and try to make the most of it. A scene where you do not take a little pleasure is I think a scene missed.

❏ If you are front of a young man who want to do porn, what would you tell him ?

I would tell him to think about the consequences. Many guys tell me that on Twitter. OK porn is fun but think about the repercussions. With social networks today it's impossible to stay incognito. You have to be ready to face the eyes of people, critics and friends who let you go. We must also think about what is behind porn. OK it's cool, you're having sex with some guys, but do not think you're going to be the new Brent Corrigan. Just think about it and if you're ready to fuck you What people will think of you then go out and explode (or do you burst according to your preference).

❏ Which actor would you like to be on set with ?

There are a lot of actors with whom I would like to shoot. At Fuckermate, for example, I really like Fabio Toba or Joaquim Santana. Obviously like everyone I would like to shoot with Armond Rizzo haha. At the French I would like to do something new with FrenchTwinks.


*** SEX ***

❍ What is the most unusual public place where you have had sex ?

I think the most unusual place is a stairwell in Berlin. It was during the Triple X gay games organized by Spritzz at the time. During the evening we left to smoke outside and going back it arrived what had to happen.

❍ What is the thing you like or you do perfectly during sex ?

Take care of a good ass. Sorry for the vulgarity but a good ass is so beautiful! I can spend hours licking, spitting, fingering and doing everything I can to an ass before sodomy.

❍ What porn actor do you most enjoy having sex with ?

Without hesitation Danny Azcona for Fuckermate. This guy is just sublime, so nice and when he smiles you are forced to melt. I had the chance to spend the evening and the night that followed the shooting with him and it is not impossible that we see each other again soon.

❍ With which singer would you like to have sex ?

So I'm going to surprise you but in fact I would say Alain Bashung. OK he died but I am an absolute fan of this guy and if I had to sleep with him just to meet him I would have done. Listen to his lyrics, his voice ... it's just sublime. And this guy had the biggest class of all time. Otherwise if Bieber gives me her ass I would not spit on it anyway.

❍ Which part of the body do you like most about a guy ?

With a guy, at least physically, I look first at the eyes and smile. That's what made me melt at Danny Azcona.



*** TASTES ***

✰ Your favorite meal ?

I love to eat really, I'm not thick but I spend my time to eat. I really like everything but I like simple things. You serve me a plate of pastas with butter, gruyere and ham, I am happy.

✰ Your biggest shame ?

I think it's the day my mother told me:

"Ah, you're going to Paris?! Have fun and make good films".

✰ The first thing you do when you wake up ?

If I am alone I will eat. If I am accompanied it is a big hug.

✰ Your favorite character ?

Obviously Batman*. That's where my nickname comes by taking this name Wayne. I am fascinated by this character since little and the films of Christopher Nolan definitely made me hitch.

*a.k.a Bruce Wayne



❍ Have you ever had sex in locker rooms ? No, I never had a report in the locker room. I have been playing since small and the idea has never crossed my mind.

❍ Have you ever kept chewing gum already chewed and started chewing it later? No, I'm not one to pick up an old chewing gum. I did that in the school canteen when I was a kid. We all made him stick his chewing gum under the plate in the canteen and get it at the end of the meal, right?

❍ Have you ever simulated orgasms during the time of an entire relationship? On a shoot you are forced to simulate a little. It must sound haha. I'm having fun quite easily so I do not have much to simulate.

❍ Have you ever had sex in a pool ? Uh never. As soon as I hear about love in a pool I immediately have the image of Loana who comes to mind and I stop getting hard.

❍ Have you ever had advances from a person much too young for you ? Oh yes. Especially since I'm on Twitter.

❍ Have you ever said a "I love you" without having really thought and felt it ? No. But I find that the "I love you" is lost. It is said a little for everything, anything and especially anyone. I need time to get that word out of my mouth.

❍ Have you ever broked a mirror ? Oh yes I'm pretty awkward as a boy, you can not imagine the number of things that I miss every day. As soon as I want to lend a hand to the friends to set the table, I'm handed the bread or towels.

❍ Have you ever fucked in a desert place ? Yes, the beach, nightclub parking in the early morning.

❍ Chris Hemsworth ou Chris Evans ? Chris Evans.

❍ Justin Bieber ou Shawn Mendes ? Justin Bieber, justfor teaching him the respect haha.

❍ Beyoncé ou Lady Gaga ? More Beyoncé but with a lot of cognac.

❍ Antoine Griezmann ou Olivier Giroud ? As a fan of soccer, I would say Griezmann but only for the game, but about the hairstyle we pass. To believe that the more you are rich the more you got tastes of shit.


*** EXTRA ***

❏ Tell us a little about your experience at Fuckermate? What are your relationships with other Fuckermate actors?

It all started the day I saw a video of Fuckermate with Alvaro Fizz. I found this guy so sexy that I searched on the Internet and I managed to contact him through his site. We talked a lot and he quickly decided to send my photos to Fuckermate producers. When you see the models of Fuckermate and me you say that there is a casting error but not the guys contacted me and two weeks later I was in Barcelona. I think it's the production that I love to work with. They are super nice, simple, nice, it is happiness to work with people like that. And I must admit that they made me run with bombs haha. I kept in touch with all the actors from Fuckermate with whom I shot. Alvaro Fizz is a great guy who helped me a lot. Andy Star helped me shoot Eric Videos and I'm still in touch with Danny Azcona. He is my Mexican prince haha, we write every day him and me. We really tied a real complicity together and I think it shows on the stage that we did together.

❏ Guillaume, you have been voted Best French Pornstar of the Year 2017* by KINKYBOYS netizens, what (according to you) can explain this success (including your scenes at Fuckermate) and this growing popularity you have now? 

Me? Best French actor 2017? The votes are rigged or not? Seriously it's crazy, thank you to everyone who voted for me it's just amazing. I never thought that a guy a little gringalet, far from the athlete gets there. I would not explain success and growing popularity. I've been on Twitter for three months now and I admit that everything that happens around me and my videos is beyond me a little. I am very happy to get here (especially at my age haha). I do not know what people find me, maybe the fact that I'm just a normal guy who does porn. I'm a bit of a guy that everyone can meet, maybe that's why it's working for me right now. I get a lot of messages on Twitter and I try to answer everyone, it's important for me to have this contact with the people who follow me and not be a guy who makes naked selfies (even if I like haha).



*Guillaume Wayne has been elected Best French Pornstar of the Year. He succeeds to Nathan Hope who was elected Best French Pornstar in 2015 and 2016 and nominated this year.

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 "Thank you all, Thank you for voting, thank you for following me, Thank you for all the messages I receive every day. I do not know what you find me but by liking videos, photos ect I think that maybe, I say maybe I'm not that bad. I do my best and if I manage to entertain you, to excite you, to you ... Stop I stop there after it is disgusting haha. Kisses XO"

Guilaume Wayne.

Sam 18 nov 2017 Aucun commentaire

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