

PORNSTARS ● Armond Rizzo, Carlos Leao

RELEASE DATE ● Nov. 2, 2017

"ONLY THE BIGGEST : Carlos Leao & Armond Rizzo"

After long time we finally had the opportunity to film with the amazing Armond Rizzo! This week we bring you his first scene with us, together with our hung Brazilian stud Carlos Leão! Armond is internationally considered the best bottom ever: he loves only the hugest dicks around and the brazilian anaconda that Carlos got between his legs is the perfect toy for him. After some foreplay with cock sucking and rimming, Carlos plunges all his 9 inches of raw meat into Armond’s sweet ass and fucks him roughly till creaming his hole with a huge load of cum! Don’t miss any second of this scene, which is gonna be one of our best videos ever!

Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 01 Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 02 Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 03 Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 04 Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 05 Fuckermate Carlos Leao and Armond Rizzo by Mano Martinez 07

RATING ● ★★★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

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Ven 3 nov 2017 Aucun commentaire

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