

PORNSTARS ● Anthony Rogers

RELEASE DATE ● July 6, 2018

CATEGORIES ● Brunette, Muscular, Solo, Jerk Off, Gay, War Chest


Anthony slowly undresses for us showing revealing his huge well-built chest and his beautiful pecks that look ripe for kissing and sucking. He is completely smooth all over his sexy body and his thighs are just as huge and fit as his chest. Anthony spends countless hours in the gym perfecting his body.

He gets his cock hard by rubbing and stroking it and once it's fully awake he begins to tug on it fast making his balls smack around. Anthony has a very nice thick hard cock with a pair of smooth tasty balls. Anthony sits down on our couch and man spreads like you've never seen before. He strokes his dick and his balls bounce up and down constantly as you can see all the beauty between his legs.

Anthony stands tall as he strokes his meaty cock in the middle of the room and with no warning he shoots a huge stream of cum all over our rug with shot after shot of warm cum splattering on the rug.



Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Ven 6 jui 2018 Aucun commentaire

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