

PORNSTARS ● Blaze Austin, Jake Porter

RELEASE DATE ● Oct. 22, 2018

On episode 13 of Pranksters, muscular Blaze Austin is giving his unsuspecting victims serious wedgies! Everything is going his way until he ends up on chiseled hunk Jake Porter. Jake Porter happens to be wearing lacy, pink panties! Blaze Austin jumps back, but he’s actually turned on. Therefore, he follows Jake back home so he can get up close and personal.


RATING ● ★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Lun 22 oct 2018 Aucun commentaire