

PORNSTARS ● JJ Knight, Pierce Paris

RELEASE DATE ● Nov. 9, 2018

Athletic, good-looking Pierce Paris loves a little ass play. However, his girlfriend really isn’t into it. He spends his time fantasizing about it and sticking random objects up his ass so he can relieve the tension.

While preparing dinner, Pierce Paris notices the candle he’s about to light is the perfect size for his eager hole and decides to fuck himself with it instead. His girlfriend walks in the room with hunky, chiseled JJ Knight, and catches him mid-stroke! The girlfriend takes off, but tattooed JJ Knight sees this as an opportunity to fulfill his own needs by offering up his big, hung dick.


RATING ● ★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Ven 9 nov 2018 Aucun commentaire