
LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vittoria Ash LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-1 LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-2 LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-3 LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-4 LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-5 LVP331 03 Michael Lucas Rafael Carreras Wagner Vit-copie-6

PORNSTARS ● Asher Hawk, Michael Lucas, Rafael Carreras, Wagner Vittoria

RELEASE DATE ● Febuary 08, 2019

LOADED WITH SEED : Asher Hawk drips with sex appeal: he’s young, good looking, and has a tight body with milky smooth skin. He showed up to the Lucas Entertainment set really worked up sexually, having neglected himself sex for days before his encounter. Because he was so hungry for raw cock, the production team gave him three cocks to take care of instead of the two for the planned threesome. Watch Asher Hawk take the cocks of Michael Lucas, Rafael Carreras, and Wagner Vittoria down his throat and up his ass!


RATING ● ★★★★

Pour voir l'extrait vidéo et les photos de la scène, rendez-vous dans le compte twitter officiel de KinkyBoys : ☁︎

To see the video clip and photos of the scene, go to the official twitter account of KinkyBoys : ☁︎

Sam 8 fév 2020 Aucun commentaire

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